About Protea Foundation
Protea Foundation is a U.S.-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting patients, caregivers, and families affected by PTSD. Our mission is to raise awareness about PTSD, the impact of trauma, and its connection to adverse childhood experiences. We’re shedding light on how PTSD disrupts every aspect of life and disproportionately affects women.
For more than two decades, no new FDA-approved treatments for PTSD have been introduced. At Protea, we are committed to changing this. By advocating for innovative research, we aim to drive the development of more effective treatments—because patients have waited long enough.
We believe in a future where effective PTSD treatments are not only possible but imminent. Partnering with industry leaders, regulators, and healthcare providers, we champion patient safety and ensure it remains at the forefront of every new development.
This mission requires a collective effort. PTSD is a life-altering condition that remains widely misunderstood—even by those living with it. Together, we can make a difference. Join us in raising awareness and advocating for the better treatment options that PTSD patients deserve.

Become a Volunteer Today
Protea Foundation serves populations and communities that have experienced a “wildfire,” and thus the protea arises from the ashes more resilient than ever. Together, we can greatly impact how people recover from trauma. Within each community, we can break the cycle of intergenerational trauma.
The Impact of Trauma in your Neighborhood
of Adults experience 1+ traumatic event (globally)
Billion dollars spent each year on ptsd, just in the united states alone
Americans experience 1+ traumatic event during lifetime
Adults who experienced 1+ adverse childhood experience (ACE)
the Average age with the highest rate of PTSD in america
women who are sexually assaulted in childhood and eventually develop c-ptsd